Archive for the ‘Music’ Category

Just over a month ago (at the time of this post’s creation) Con of Thrones 2018 was in full swing in Dallas, Texas.

In the past weeks I’ve shared a links to audio from panels that I was fortunate to be a presenter on, but I wanted to highlight a few of my favorite panels that I experienced as a member of the audience.

Two in particular are of note since they were the first two panels I saw at Con of Thrones and shared the similar theme of exploring the influences of other bodies of work on George RR Martin and his epic series A Song of Ice and Fire.


For three days, running from June 30th to July 2nd,  Nashville Tennessee hosted the first-ever Con of Thrones.

CoT wasn’t the first-ever convention dedicated to the book series A Song of Ice and Fire or HBO’s show Game of Thrones, but the convention’s inaugural effort solidly established itself with an impressive venue, the amount and variety of stars from the show, the massive engagement of fan experts in the programming, and the support of a dedicated app that provided scheduling, maps, and a social media component that was surprisingly effective. (I have some things to say about this app.)

I was pleased to attend the convention, and lucky enough to be a panelist talking about the Night’s Watch. What follows will be some of my experiences at the convention, along with some observations. (I know a handful of my friends, as well as my Game of Thrones-watching dad, wanted some kind of after-action report. But mostly pictures.)


I recently began writing about all seven of the songs from SEVEN, the wonderful concept album from the Manimals, inspired by HBO’s Game of Thrones. (Full details can be found in my initial post.) I have covered six out of the seven, and now I’m on to the final song.


Summer is not only the name of Brandon Stark’s direwolf, it’s also his point of view song on SEVEN, as well as the final track.


In previous posts, I’ve talked about the excellent Game of Thrones concept album SEVEN from the Manimals. The album features seven characters from Game of Thrones, giving them each a point-of-view song. It’s a delight. (The album. I’m sure my discussions about the songs are tolerable.) Full details can be found on my introductory post.


This post will be talking about Good, a song from the perspective of the formidable fighter Brienne of Tarth.


In the previous two posts, I’ve talked about the excellent Game of Thrones concept album SEVEN from the Manimals, which features the point-of-view of seven characters from the series. You can be introduced to the full idea in my initial post, where I also talked about Daenerys Targaryen’s point-of-view song, Mother.


This post will be talking about the tracks from SEVEN that correspond to Tyrion Lannister and his sister Cersei: Talk and Half. (Jaime didn’t get a song on SEVEN. But he’s kind of there with Cersei’s. Sort of.)


In my last post, I talked about the excellent Game of Thrones concept album SEVEN from the Manimals. The album is a collection of songs representing seven characters from Game of Thrones. The post not only described the concept in more detail but also featured a discussion of the song Mother, the point of view of Daenerys Targaryen.


Jon Snow: Now, I expect you to kill a lot of buttrash Lannisters with this.
Arya Stark: I’ll start making a list!

This post will be covering the tracks Teeth and Lone, which are representative of adorable murder-angel Arya Stark and Jon Snow, the young man who gave Arya her iconic instrument of death, Needle. (The best swords have names, yo.)



April 24th, 2016 was a big deal for me as a Game of Thrones fan. Not only was the show premiering its sixth season, but the Game of Thrones concept album SEVEN became available. Finally!



For Christmas, I put on my wishlist the soundtrack for Hamilton, the hip-hop musical about the first Secretary of the Treasury in U.S. history. He happens to be on the $10 bill.

And if ya don’t know, now ya know.



Lisa (my wife) and I have a friend named Heather who is very talented. She can dance, she can sing. She acts. Heather’s cool.

Back in 2011 (don’t hold me to that year, but I’m pretty sure) Heather told us some exciting news. She had a part in a local production of a musical we might be interested in seeing.

Evil Dead the Musical.


Back in my college days, my days of misspent youth where I could have studied more and partied more and thus enriched my life, I almost saw the Ramones play.


I kind of heard them play. I was definitely in the auditorium where they were performing. I was probably no further than 20 feet from them for about an hour. But I can’t say that I saw them play.

Let me explain.
