Posts Tagged ‘Brienne of Tarth’

As I sometimes do, I have a new Game of Thrones post on the Watchers on the Wall site. Happy Westeros Wednesday!

I’d realized that among all of the lords, ladies, wildlings, wizards, and wights that I’d written about, I’d never gotten around to writing anything about that stalwart squire Podrick Payne.


One of the more interesting and understated characters on HBO’s Game of Thrones is Roose Bolton, the Lord of the Dreadfort.


Lord of the Dreadfort? No need to be so formal. Addressing me as “Warden of the North” will be sufficient to keep your skin on your back. Mostly.

Usual spoiler warnings apply: One cannot talk about Roose Bolton without dropping massive spoilery details for the series.


In previous posts, I’ve talked about the excellent Game of Thrones concept album SEVEN from the Manimals. The album features seven characters from Game of Thrones, giving them each a point-of-view song. It’s a delight. (The album. I’m sure my discussions about the songs are tolerable.) Full details can be found on my introductory post.


This post will be talking about Good, a song from the perspective of the formidable fighter Brienne of Tarth.


This post will be discussing plot points and character backgrounds from HBO’s excellent series, Game of Thrones. Therefore, if you’re not caught up on the show (or haven’t read the books) and you read this and get spoiled, you have no one to blame but yourselves. So there.


Blame, blame. Everyone’s so quick to assign blame. Like me! I do that!

Season Five wrapped up with the death of Stannis Baratheon, the last of the original royals in the War of the Five Kings.


This post will be talking about two outstanding characters on Game of Thrones. Therefore there will be spoilers if you are not up to date on the show (or have not read the books, but mostly this will be related to the show.)

Fair warning.

