Posts Tagged ‘Helmets’

This post will be talking about Game of Thrones, HBO’s excellent adaptation of the existing books in George RR Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire (and now a pre-adaptation of the unpublished future books.)

I usually don’t post about Game of Thrones while the show is currently airing. I try to save all my opinions and observations for the off-season when I need to write about the show as a therapeutic exercise, but rules are made to be broken.

Broken, like chains or wheels are to Daenerys Targaryen.


Mace Tyrell: Rule breaking? That’s Madness! Madness!

A few years ago, I wrote an article about the different looks of the various military factions in Game of Thrones, a sort of guideline to aid in identifying the groups of armed men that a viewer might be presented with on the show. The key is the distinctive helmets that each group uses. For the most part, that’s all that’s required to tell your Stark from a Stormlander, an Ironborn from a Bolton.


Season Four of Game of Thrones, HBO’s excellent adaptation of George RR Martin’s saga A Song of Ice and Fire, kicked off in the first week of April. I’m pretty excited. Stupidly excited.


People following my blog are aware that I’d published over a dozen Game of Thrones-related articles last year, and at the beginning of this year I set myself a challenge to crank out a GoT post every week in preparation for the new season.

Now that the new season has started, I’m taking a break from posting new articles (I’m too busy reading everyone’s reactions to the current episodes), but I wanted to package up links to my 2014 pre-season postings, like I did for my 2013 collection.


So, the combatants are lined up, heavily armored and helmeted. To the sound of roars and shouts, stamping feet, horns and whistles and all kinds of noise they crash together. And I have no idea who’s who, or what side I want to win.


Broncos vs. the Seahawks?

But that’s because I don’t follow football all that closely. And my team didn’t make the playoffs.

But on Game of Thrones… I know who’s who.

This post discusses FASHION of all things, in the first three seasons of HBO’s television series Game of Thrones. So I guess there might be plot spoilers below for those seasons if you’re not up on the show. Go away and watch it. All three seasons if necessary. I’ll wait.
