Archive for August, 2015


Earlier today, my wife, daughter, and I went and saw Fantastic Four (or FANT4STIC if you go with the title on the movie poster, literally.) I was surprised that it wasn’t as horrible as I’d been told. With a Rotten Tomatoes score of 9% among critics and 21% among movie-goers, I expected something painfully bad, and it was just kind of okay.


Hey! I’m still a blogger!

Posted: August 28, 2015 by patricksponaugle in Blogging, Game of Thrones
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WordPress recently sent me an alert, letting me know that it was my second anniversary of blogging. So I decided it was time for the obligatory self-congratulatory post. But I’m not a monster, here is a picture of my dogs, to make everyone happy:


Help! The human is exploiting our cuteness!

Like the previous year, I did a lot of blog posts about Game of Thrones, the excellent show on HBO. I really should do more movie or book reviews. But I did review some cool TV shows that didn’t include Starks and Lannisters, and I kept up with monthly MicroStory writing, so there was a wee teensy weensy bit of diverse things going on.


This is the final post in a series of articles, discussing the nature of the fifth season of HBO’s Game of Thrones. Should you have come to this page without reading the previous posts, I was discussing how most of the major characters in season 5 had season 2 journeys that were similar, or at least useful for compare/contrast exercises. In my opinion, season 5 was a mirror on season 2.


Let’s assume that previously I made my point about the character storylines, and now lets talk about if it means anything.


This is the fourth post in a series, discussing what elements of season 5 Game of Thrones were mirror-like reflections on season 2. Previously, I talked about the Baratheon/Targaryen stories and the Starks’ persecutors House Lannister. Now, it’s time to discuss the Starks. (And Stark-relations.)


Ygritte had a head start on Janos when it came to being at the business end of Jon’s sword. I literally mean his sword! You get *your* mind out of the gutter!

Season 2 Starks were still rebounding from the shakeup of Lord Eddard’s death in season 1, and of course there were more Stark deaths that continued to cast a shadow into season 5 over the seemingly cursed family.


This post will be talking about HBO’s Game of Thrones, specifically how many of the major characters’ season 5 storylines were twins (or possibly Bizarro Twins) of their respective storylines in season 2.

I introduced the topic two posts ago, and last post dealt with both of the exiled monarchs, Daenerys Targaryen and Stannis Baratheon. This post will be all about the Lannisters.


Some seasons are Good Hair seasons, some seasons are Bad Hair seasons.

There are less (fewer) Lannisters now to talk about than in season 2, but I’ll confine myself to Lord Tywin’s three children.


Season 5 Reflections on Season 2: the Wandering Monarchs

Posted: August 25, 2015 by patricksponaugle in Game of Thrones, Opinion, TV

This post is the second article in a series talking about season 5 of Game of Thrones, and how it has a mirror-like quality to season 2. Should that summary not adequately describe what I’m doing, feel free to check out the kick-off post.

I’ll be talking about Starks and Lannisters elsewhere, but here I’ll be discussing the stories of Stannis Baratheon and Daenerys Targaryen.


No matter the season, fire’s always present when Dany and Stan are around.

Even though Stannis and Dany’s stories in either season don’t intersect (at all) I felt it relevant to feature them in the same article since they have some similarities.


Game of Thrones: Season 5’s Reflections on Season 2

Posted: August 25, 2015 by patricksponaugle in Game of Thrones, Opinion, TV

This post will be the first in a series, talking about the fifth season of Game of Thrones. Let that serve as a spoiler warning.


The fifth season of HBO’s Game of Thrones recently ended, covering most of the same ground as the fifth book in George RR Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series (and some elements from the fourth book in the series, A Feast For Crows.)


This is the fifth part in a series talking about the wee crow Olly, from Game of Thrones. These posts have been discussing why people don’t like Olly (and why I’m not really on board with the Olly Hate.) Should you want to read my Team Olly series from the beginning, go here.

If you aren’t caught up on the show, this post really won’t be all the relevant to you, and I’d hate to spoil some of the major things that happen in Olly’s storyline should you happen to start watching. (You should be caught up though. Game of Thrones is an excellent television show.)


Don’t spoil me! I’m only up to Season 4 Episode 9, when no one was hating on me yet!

Disclaimer: even though I usually focus entirely on show-details for my blog, because Olly wasn’t a canon character from the books, I felt the need to at least contrast the events in the books with the show’s adaptation. If you’re a show watcher and not a book reader and you plan on reading the books one day, I understand your reluctance to keep reading my work here. But I feel pretty confident that nothing I say in my defense of Olly will be so spoilery that it lessens your enjoyment of the books.


In Defense of Potato Olly

Posted: August 18, 2015 by patricksponaugle in Game of Thrones, Opinion, TV
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This is part four of a five-part series defending Olly, the scrawny farmboy who played a major part in the fifth season’s finale on Game of Thrones. If you’re not up to date on the show and have no idea who Olly is or what he’s done, then you don’t want to be here. You want to be binge-watching Game of Thrones.

You want to!


Olly can’t get enough Game of Thrones. But maybe it’s a bit too intense for his age…

Quick disclaimer: I’ll be talking about some minor differences from the books and the show, nothing super-spoilery, but I know some show watchers want to read the books one day, and try to avoid any book details. (Good luck.)

Previously, I’ve covered some of the reasons why show fans dislike Olly.


In Defense of Olly the Conspirator

Posted: August 18, 2015 by patricksponaugle in Game of Thrones, Opinion, TV
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This is the third part of a series, defending Olly of Game of Thrones from a variety of charges. (I kicked off the articles here.) If you don’t know who Olly is, haven’t watched the show, then I don’t know why you’re here.

Last article, I talked about Olly and his role regarding Ygritte. This post is about Jon Snow.



Quick Disclaimer: We can assume that people who haven’t watched the show deserve to be spoiled for reading this, but I wanted to warn people that I’ll be referring to some book details in regards to Jon’s story. Just wanted to warn off people who want absolutely no knowledge from the books (even if it’s not all *that* spoilery. Trust me, warrior.)

Jon Snow and the Conspiracy. The Jonspiracy.

I’ve already mentioned that people were hating on Olly even before the end of season 5.
