Posts Tagged ‘Ser Arthur Dayne’

This post will be talking about Lord Eddard “Ned” Stark, from the HBO television show Game of Thrones (and prominent in the source material, George RR Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire.) If you don’t know who Ned Stark is, just know that he’s awesome and a big damn hero. Then go read the books and/or watch the show.


Big damn hero? I’m just an ordinary man, trying to do right by his family. And his king. And the realm. And the North. And my dead sister. And honor. And my [redacted] Jon Snow. There are probably some other competing interests that I’m forgetting.

Hopefully, anyone not familiar with my man Ned will be gone now, so I can begin to talk plot details.


Mourning Ser Arthur Dayne

Posted: August 30, 2016 by patricksponaugle in Game of Thrones, TV
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This post concerns Game of Thrones, HBO’s adaptation of George RR Martin’s excellent (and nigh-unfinishable) fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire.

If you are not caught up with the storyline as revealed on the show, you’d be doing yourself a disservice by reading this blog post. (A similar claim might be made for reading any of my blogs posts, even if you’re up-to-speed on things…)


Ser Arthur Dayne: They say King Aerys went mad reading this guy’s blogs.
Ser Other Guy: They say a lot of things.

Anyway, don’t spoil yourself. But come back some time! Arthur Dayne will still be here waiting for you.

The Dreamy Ser Arthur Dayne

Game of Thrones often brings surprises, especially to those who haven’t read the books, but its sixth season had a delightful surprise in store for book readers by managing to give a glimpse into the past at the tail end of Robert’s rebellion, when young Ned Stark and a handful of men fought against the last of King Aerys Targaryen’s elite Kingsguard.
