October 2017 #MicroStory Collection

Posted: November 1, 2017 by patricksponaugle in Flash Fiction, Writing
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It’s November, so I went through my social media feeds and grabbed all of the MicroStories I’d tweeted during the month of October.

As a reminder, these represent story-essences composed using no more than 129 characters (so I could tweet them with the hashtag #MicroStory.)

Usually, I only tweet Science Fiction and Fantasy #MicroStories. October was pretty much no exception. (Some of them seem less obvious as Sci Fi/Fantasy. Your mileage may vary.)

For really great #MicroStory action, please follow @MicroSFF, the Twitter account that inspired me to participate in this minimalist writing exercise. That feed puts out great science fiction and fantasy MicroStories all the time.

(I want to make it clear that @MicroSFF is *not* a Twitter account of mine. Their flash-fiction tweets are excellent. Mine are okay.)

No human was spared, no man, woman, or child.
We spared the dogs, which were the best things humans had brought to our world.

From orbit, the planet was beautiful. Suspiciously beautiful.
Too inviting for colonization, our captain decided.
We mutinied.

“Filthy human,” I heard muttered as I entered the depot.
Humanity would probably not outlive what we’d done to home.

Earthlings, we created a world for you! To live on!
– We’ll… just keep mining this asteroid.
But we did this for you!
– Sorry.

Curse-casting came with a 10% rebound.
Blind your enemy? Expect nearsightedness.
Pain? Expect discomfort.
Death? Don’t risk it.

The sorcerers’ walls were made of mostly old faith-based magic.
The young wizards were bringing hard evidence-based siege craft.

“That witch will never bother our village again,” the prelate announced.
The children knew better. Real witches don’t burn.

“It’s a fact that humans do not possess ‘souls.’ Period.”
I gave up.
Arguing with robots was pointless.
Especially ensouled ones

The nervous villagers directed the golem to place the severed demon’s head on the pile.
They hoped their applause was enough.

A stranger was approaching the town from the west.
The West.
The abbot rushed to the walls; it could only be a god or a demon.


Thank you to everyone who reads and enjoys my small stories. I tweet flash-fiction at irregular intervals on my Twitter account, @patman23. At more regular intervals on Twitter, I’ll be talking about my dogs, or television (mostly Game of Thrones), or mowing my lawn.

Header image was taken by my wife Lisa (thank you dear for letting me steal the picture – no one else do that) of some delicious pizza skulls my talented wife and daughter cooked up as a Halloween themed dinner.

Want to read my earlier MicroStory collections? I have my first three years’ worth of stories HERE

In general, I’m fine with anyone using the text of my MicroStories for non-commercial use. (Look how cute I am, thinking someone wants to make a t-shirt from one of my flash fiction bits. I say cute, but you can substitute in some other, more appropriate, adjective. I’m not the boss of you.)

© Patrick Sponaugle 2017 Some Rights Reserved

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