Six Word Story Subject: Chi Chi the Underwear Thief

Posted: June 4, 2016 by patricksponaugle in Flash Fiction, Writing
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Nicola Aukland, on her Sometimes Stellar Storyteller blog, routinely hosts six word story challenges.

Every Saturday, she’ll suggest a topic for the challenge and people are invited to submit a story that exhibits the topic in some way, using six words or less. The winner is chosen on the following Friday by simple numerical count. The story with the most likes wins, provided the story author also liked one of the other story submissions for the challenge.

This week, the topic was naughty, and here was my submission:

Underwear proudly in mouth. Tail wagging.

Okay, maybe not the most grammatical of stories (I’m a rebel) but I’m not trying to impress my High School English teacher (I have too much self-respect for that) but while chatting with Nicola and my friend Haylee (another usual suspect when it comes to these six word story challenges) I talked about how the inspiration for my itty-bitty story about a naughty underwear-stealing dog was the real life shady adventures of my pug, Chi Chi. They requested some photographic evidence. And thus this post was born.


Exhibit 1: the underwear.

Chi Chi is quite a criminal mastermind. She’s learned how to unzip purses and backpacks. She’ll hop up on the kitchen table if there’s a chair left pulled back.

I understand all this. Purses and backpacks often hold (or have held) snacks. And the kitchen table is the place to be if there are dishes not yet put into the sink.

But, the underwear. She loves getting at the delicate unmentionables that my wife or daughter have in the laundry basket. She’ll knock over baskets to get at them. If we have the laundry elevated, she’ll uses her two little brain cells to try and figure a way up to them. She’s kind of relentless.

Is there a point to this story? Some wild twist? No, I just wanted to post a picture of the villain with the evidence of her crime, and tell people about the six word story challenge that’s happening. If you get a chance, head on over to the site and vote.

Sometimes Stellar Six Word Story Challenge

You don’t even have to vote for mine. In some ways, I have an unfair advantage because with the header picture of the post kind of associated with my story, it’s really a thousand-and-six word story, right?

Hopefully, you can find some amusing stories in the comments section of the post, it’ll be going all week, with a new challenge next weekend.

Someday, I’ll have to talk about the writer who mocked my tweet-length micro-stories as not being a valid form of storytelling. Maybe they’re not, but Hemingway will back me up on six-words being sufficient to tell a gripping story.

Hmmm, maybe he won’t. He’s dead.

Image photo does not belong to me, my wife took that photo, one of probably many detailing Chi Chi’s career of evil. If you, dear reader, decide to make use of it, please give proper attribution to my wife, Lisa Sponaugle. Just because!

I make no claims to the photo, but some claims to the text. So there.

© Patrick Sponaugle 2016 Some Rights Reserved

  1. Haylee says:

    Ha, ‘usual suspect’! Love the picture, she looks very guilty in it to be fair.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. wscottling says:

    I have a Chihuahua/Corgi mix that’s also an underwear thief. I feel your pain/amusement.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sue Ranscht says:

    I agree. Six words are enough. Hemingway’s will tear your heart out.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love your criminal mastermind! I have a Shih Tzu who is the canine equivalent of a truffle pig, but for chocolate. He’s turns bins out for wrappers and has been known to unwrap Christmas presents for the Cadbury’s within. I’m surprised he’s not dead.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. erinb9 says:

    Aww, I’ve always had a soft spot for pugs 🙂

    I need to get back on the 6 word story challenges. I’ve totally let my participation lapse.

    Also, I want to keep up with your blog but I STILL haven’t watched GOT and don’t want to read spoilers. One of these days, I’ll start watching it and probably backread a bunch of your posts, lol

    Liked by 1 person

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