Why are we rooting for the Starks?

Posted: March 22, 2016 by patricksponaugle in Game of Thrones, Opinion, TV
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This post will be talking about one of the great noble houses of Westeros, in HBO’s Game of Thrones (the adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire.) And not just any noble house, I’ll be talking about the beleaguered and bullied Stark family.


It all goes downhill from here…

I don’t know how super-spoilery this post will be, most of what I’ll be talking about is years-old information. It’s your call to keep reading, if you’re behind on the show or the books.

The Starks! Go Team Go!

The story of Game of Thrones is heavily influenced by the hopes held by the Starks, as well as the horrors that they experience. I don’t think I’m too far out of line when saying that the Stark family is the closest thing we have to “the good guys” in the story.

We have reasons for liking them. Ned seems honorable and decent, the children aren’t monsters (we get examples of monster children pretty quickly from the other families), and the show is mostly from their point-of-view which kind of instills some sympathy. Because when it’s happening to them, it’s sort of happening to us too.

But I think it’s important to keep some of the Stark love in perspective. Maybe it’s not quite right to too-closely identify with them, or to hold them up to a standard that isn’t reasonable.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the Starks as much as anybody. But I try to keep that love in check.

Starks: Blue Collar Everymen, right? WRONG.

The Starks have positive qualities, I’m not denying that. But I notice occasionally that people either assign virtues not in evidence to the family, or kind of twist and contort Stark attributes in order to fit a square peg in a round hole.

One of the first instances I recall was in a podcast recapping the first episode, alleging that Tyrion must have been at the whorehouse in Mole’s Town, because there’s no way Ned Stark would have a house of ill-repute operating so close to Winterfell.


Tyrion: If Lord Stark forbade women from trading sexual experiences for compensation, he wouldn’t have let my sister inside the castle walls.

Because, you know, maybe they assume Ned’s some kind of stick-in-the-mud asshole like Stannis?

Maybe they meant to imply that Ned was so virtuous and pure and so on, that practically everyone in the North would agree to emulate his behavior and refrain from patronizing the world’s oldest profession?

Look, Mole’s Town is next to Castle Black, weeks away, so it’s crazy to assume that that’s where Tyrion was first encountering show-invented Ros.

And let’s not be weird. Ned’s not a puritanical zealot.

The winter town outside of Winterfell had all kinds of transactions going on, and there’s no reason to believe that that particular type of commerce would be forbidden by Stark decree. The New Gods are the ones with all those kinds of rules, not the Old Gods.

Okay, that’s actually pretty minor, but I wanted to get that out of the way.

Comedian Aamer Rahman is known for being critical of Game of Thrones as a racist fantasy,  mostly for the lack of diversity and pigeonholing non-Westerosi cultures into very narrow and negative stereotypes. I’ve mentioned his work before on my post on the Wildlings. I recommend his Art Threat post as fascinating reading, and I think his points are valid and thought-provoking.

I don’t agree with everything that he says. In particular, this passage:

White culture exists as a spectrum in the GOT universe; the Lannisters are the rich, entitled, aristocratic upper-class toffs, the Starks are the honest, hard-working aspiratonal middle class, and the Wildlings (and Hilltribes) are the working class. — Aamer Rahman

I don’t want to misconstrue or misrepresent what Mr. Rahman is saying. His point is that of all the cultures shown on the show, the predominantly white Westerosi culture is given a spectrum and complexity, and the other cultures are treated over-simply as stereotypes. I am not arguing against that point.

I am disagreeing with how he’s characterizing the Starks as the middle class, in relation to the Lannisters.

In nearly every way that matters, the Starks and the Lannisters are identical.

What? I hear you say. The Lannisters are super-rich! Yeah, yeah. Let’s look at the map.


Kingdom of the North’s boundaries in white, Kingdom of the West’s boundaries in red.

Cash is always great. But in the real-world medieval analog of Westeros, land was extremely valuable. The Lannisters have the gold, but the Starks had tremendous amounts of resources. (Just like the Tyrells have the fertile fields, which translates into wealth and power.)

The Starks have the potential to be an economic powerhouse, whenever they need to be. They just don’t often need to be, because they have everything they need.

The Starks are no less entitled than the Lannisters are. They’re no less noble. Entitlement and nobility kind of goes hand in hand. They rule the North because their ancestors once ruled the North.

They’re not plucky upstarts, I’m not sure where this notion of them being the aspirational middle class comes from. They’re already on top. They’re equally the 1%, along with the Lannisters.

I’ve seen weirder associations attached to the Starks. Like a social anarchy post suggesting that Robb was secretly an anarchist because he told Talisa that he had no plans to be king of the Seven Kingdoms.

Talisa: You’re going to kill Joffrey?
Robb: If the gods give me strength.
Talisa: And then what?
Robb: I don’t know. I’ll go back to Winterfell. I have no desire to sit on the Iron Throne.
Talisa: So who will?
Robb: I don’t know. But I’ll probably call for an end of the privileged few lording it over the downtrodden masses, in favor of anarcho-syndicalist communes.
Talisa: Oh, that’d be lovely! We should totally have sex then.


Anarchy! It gets the job done!

Hmmm. Maybe I’m misremembering those last few lines.

But I can’t imagine anyone interpreting Robb’s lack of interest in ruling the south as a sign that he’s some kind of enlightened anti-state intellectual.

In fact, Robb’s all about being a king. Just the King in the North. With the Riverlands pledging fealty to Winterfell instead of to King’s Landing. (Since the Riverlands region was never a kingdom, they don’t really care who they pledge fealty to. But since Robb is the grandson of their overlord, Hoster Tully, he’s at least got Riverland blood in him. Instead of being descended from the neighborhood bully, the kingdom of the West.)

It’s as if everyone likes the Starks so much and wants to identify with them, that there’s a push to bring the aristocratic, highborn, and autocratic Starks down to our level. (Since we plebes aren’t going to be elevated up to lordships any time soon.)

Sure, the Starks are appealing because in general they’re decent and we see the story unfold mostly through their eyes. But I can’t help but feel that the Lannister side of the story, properly packaged with the right spin, would cast them in a more protagonistic light. (Even with the incest.)

The Lannisters! Go Team Go!

Forget what we know for a moment, about the Lannisters and their skullduggery, and let’s examine their circumstances.

Tywin Lannister had for years been the Hand of the King, and by all accounts (including Stannis’s experience) had been a competent administer of the realm. Until he had fallen out of favor with Aerys.

Tywin’s favored eldest son, Jaime, was in the Kingsguard, which put Tywin in a difficult position since Jaime could be considered a hostage in some ways, trapped at court. When the rebellion broke out, Tywin dared not rise up and put Jaime at risk. At least he delayed entering the war in support of the Mad King.

Jaime took it upon himself to kill King Aerys and the Targaryen’s pyromantic ally before doomsday wildfire caches could be detonated.


Boom! Actually, a lack of boom. You’re welcome.

That act saved thousands, but went unrecognized as Jaime faced off against the stern and judgmental Eddard Stark, who would have preferred that Jaime had defended the man who’d killed Stark’s father and older brother. (Those deaths coincidentally enough cleared the way for Ned to become ruler of the North. Just sayin’.)

To insure peace and stability, Jon Arryn, the Hand of the new king, convinced Robert Baratheon to pardon Jaime and marry Cersei Lannister, Jaime’s twin. So Cersei was essentially the spoils of war.

Robert Baratheon was not a good King and not a good husband. Cersei weathered the loveless marriage as best as she could. Despite being queen, she had anxieties in regards to her position, and the safety of her children.


There was a time when she had expected to marry Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, but that betrothal never came to be. Rhaegar married Elia of Dorne, and had two children, Aegon and Rhaenys. The prince died in the rebellion, and his wife and children were brutally murdered when the capital fell. Had Cersei been Rhaegar’s wife instead of Elia, a similar fate might have befell her and any children she would have had with the Targaryen prince.

It’s not surprising that Cersei had a measure of paranoia. Particularly because she and Jaime hold a dangerous secret.

Soon, Cersei found herself in the center of plots as Jon Arryn began to suspect that the very-blond children of Cersei and Robert might not be Robert’s trueborn children after all.

Then, suddenly Jon Arryn died, and the volatile Lysa Arryn fled the capital, sending accusatory letters about Cersei to her sister Catelyn.

Catelyn was the wife of dour Ned Stark, whom Robert had decided to bring to the capital as a replacement Hand. Ned Stark was now armed with wild and wrong ideas about the Lannisters and their alleged involvement in regards to Jon Arryn’s death.


Team Truly Evil

I’m just saying that if we identify the villainous manipulators working behind the scenes, Petyr Baelish and Lysa Arryn, the Lannisters in some ways are innocent pawns. Okay, maybe just pawns. I know I can’t float the “innocent” part seriously. Anyway, the Starks were quick to suspect the Lannisters, without thinking critically about it. Not cool.

Had we been given a window into Westeros through more Lannister eyes than just Tyrion’s, if their family had been the axis that the story revolved around, we might be more likely to root for them. Warts and all.

We don’t have to like Cersei to worry about Myrcella and Tommen, particularly had we got to know them more and could sympathize with Cersei’s fears. We can certainly acknowledge the domestic abuse, and be distrustful of the unpleasant Lady Arryn.

Okay, Joffrey isn’t someone we can easily get behind, but since I’m not sure either Lannisters or Starks will come out on top to write the history books, future historians might have issues keeping Joffrey Baratheon and Robb Stark’s reigns separate.

Had Season Two’s King’s Landing storyline (A Clash of Kings) been presented to us through Cersei’s eyes, or as reports brought to the captive Jaime by his cousin the emissary (Alton Lannister on the show/ Cleon Frey in the books) our view of Joffrey might even be more malleable.


Of course, I even have some friends who dislike the Starks, and think the show is better off with uber-noble Ned, shrewish Catelyn, and reckless Robb all dead dead dead.

I don’t share their views, but I think that it’s great that the show’s storyline is complicated enough to accommodate multiple viewpoints.

People don’t have to be Team Stark.

(But no one should be Team Frey. Screw those guys.)

(Comments are always welcome. Super welcome! But if you want to talk spoilery Game of Thrones talk with me (also welcome) I’d invite you to visit my Safe Spoilers page on my backup blog. That way my non-book-reading friends won’t be shocked with foreknowledge.)

Images from HBO’s Game of Thrones (obviously.) 

I make no claims to the artwork, but some claims to the text. So there.

If you liked this article, thank you! I have all of my Game of Thrones related articles on my handy-dandy Game of Thrones page should you want to read more but don’t want to navigate around my site.

© Patrick Sponaugle 2016 Some Rights Reserved


  1. forthejokes says:

    I’d never heard of the Starks as being middle class, which is ridiculous. Land may not be in and of itself as valuable as gold, but you can collect rent. It’s why housing is/was (depending on where you live) such a good investment.

    As for the Lannisters, I was on Cersei’s side as soon as I saw Robert slap her. Lena Heady’s performance is one of the best in the show (and for that reason I can empathise more with Cersei in the show than the books), and the look on her face when Tywin told her she had to marry Loras deserved an Emmy all on its own. The ability of both the books and the show to get me to sympathise with characters I initially didn’t like is one of their best qualities. (My dad completely disagrees with me on this and really doesn’t like the books, but I might write about that another time.)

    Liked by 2 people

    • The show has done a solid job of humanizing Cersei, so she has moments that we can relate to. Even when she’s being evil, there’s usually something about her performance that gives me a “oh, I see why she’s like that” type of vibe.

      Ah, I support you writing a post about your Dad’s take on the show. Yes! DO IT!


      • forthejokes says:

        Well he’s only seen random episodes of the show, but he really didn’t like the books. He compared whatever he was reading last week to ASOIAF and said “I’m hoping there’s still some humanity,” so I don’t think I can get him to actually watch it. I’ll definitely write something.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. The land owned by the starks may not have as many people on it so rent may not be that forthcoming. It’s also on the border with the “here be dragons / walkers” so maybe not the best place to settle down and have a family. Not totally sure on the population distribution of Westeros etc. The Lannisters have power, and who knows, maybe gold mines? And it’s just a series of books 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Just a series of books? Egad!!! How dare you! (I’m just joking… or am I?)

      We don’t need a census of Westeros, really. The kingdom of the West, where the Lannisters are, might even have a higher population than the North, since they North has less large cities (well, White Harbor might be as large as Lannisport, but I’d not assume that.) But the North, just by being larger, has more resources… which in a medieval economy is the big deal. We know the Lannisters have gold mines, but as we’ve recently learned on the show, those mines are played out. But the point I was making was this, it’s not like the Lannisters are the mega-rich and the Starks are barely scraping by middle-class. All of the great houses of Westeros are part of the elite class, and we shouldn’t pretend that the Starks aren’t in the 1%.

      If Occupy Westeros was a movement (that’s a great Twitter feed), they’d be as likely to protest Winterfell as Lannisport. (Although they’d be protesting down south when it was wintertime. No one would be doing social activism up North during the cold season.)

      Not trying to be combative, I appreciate your points. The reason I have this blog is to chat with people about the series of books/show. (JUST A SERIES OF BOOKS???? EGAD!)

      Liked by 1 person

      • Knew that would tickle you 😉 And not at all, no problem with discussion. Resources are definitely important, but some of the biggest points that make a country (or house in this case) more powerful can actually just be raw man power and / or technology. Technology is moot if you have dragons. The Starks are in a position of power, part of the elite class, but we get insights from other characters about being treated well for the most part. It seems the rule and have respect, whereas I can’t remember anyone in the working class saying anything good about the Lannisters.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Yeah, the only people we see having an opinion are the brutish fighting men who get to despoil the Riverlands with Lannister/royal authority.

          We see much more interaction in the Stark story with servants, stable workers (Hodor) etc.

          The Starks certainly seem to treat the smallfolk better, although we don’t have much representation on the show of the average citizen of the West lands.

          Liked by 1 person

          • memel23 says:

            What about their treatment of the smallfolk in King’s Landing? have we forgot about the riot in season 2 and how disgusted the lannisters (apart from maybe tyrion and kevan) seemed to be at them? if it wasn’t for the tyrells coming in, king’s landing would’ve starve to death. To say that “the starks seem to treat the smallfolk better” is an understatement. Personally, I can’t really imagine any of them pulling a “rains of castamere”.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Good point about the citizens of King’s Landing, although they aren’t directly Lannister subjects, which was more I was talking about. How are citizens who live in the kingdom of the West? We do have examples of abuse, like Cersei having her servants beaten and maimed, so a case could be made that the people of the West are miserable under Lannister rule. On the other hand, while Tywin was not particularly pro-Smallfolk, he was considered a just and effective Hand. So things might not be so bad in the West.

              The riot is an interesting example, since the people were starving because of the war, not because necessarily of mistreatment from the city administration. The flashpoint for the riot falls on Joffrey, who in general was an awful ruler.

              Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate this kind of discussion, and I ask questions like “how are the Lannisters regarded by their own people” to get points like you are making.


  3. joanna says:

    Aamer Rahman seems to have some personal issues. Or he didn’t get the story AT ALL. The Starks are ancient nobility, descendants of the First Men. You can’t get much better than that. And they aren’t money mad power grabbing egomaniacs. They take what they need, not more than they need, like virtually everyone else.

    As for the Lannisters, I do miss Tywin because he was the only “bad” guy I loved to watch. And Charles Dance is so good. His kids have basically been born into the lap of luxury. Cersei has never offered anything back. She’s been clinging onto her position under false pretenses, passing her incestuous bastards off as legitimate. She had Ned Stark imprisoned to keep her secret. He was killed as a result of her selfish actions and her vicious bastard. His men were killed because of her. The whole family was destroyed. Forgive me if I have no sympathy with her.

    Yes, Tyrion and of course Jaimie helped keep the secret. But they have both done good. And Jaimie has much to repair his image since the start of the story.

    I doubt the Lannisters actually have all the gold they pride themselves on. As you mentioned Patrick, the gold mine dried up years ago. I bet they’re living on borrowed money from the Iron Bank.

    GO STARKS!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wooohooo! Impassioned commentary from Joanna!

      I see you haven’t bought in on my idea that had we got to know the Lannisters first, we might view the Starks with suspicion. That’s totally fair.

      But the whole Stark family destroyed? I’ll have a whole post on that next week.

      But I do want to defend Cersei a hair… she had Ned Stark imprisoned to keep from losing absolutely everything, not just for her, but for her children, including the nice ones, not just awful Joffrey. And she wouldn’t even had had that as an issue, if Lady Lysa hadn’t gotten Cat Stark all crazy, with lies about the Lannisters.

      (I know, I know, I can only defend Cersei so far.)

      As always, thanks for your feedback, it’s great as usual.

      Liked by 1 person

      • joanna says:

        Yes! I am Stark through and through! Re: the whole family destroyed, need I remind you of the Hound’s chat with Brienne before that epic fight? “Her father’s dead, her mother’s dead, her brother’s dead, Winterfell is a pile of rubble”. Would all of that have happened if Ned Stark hadn’t discovered Cersei’s dirty secret? You may argue that he should have kept his mouth shut. But that would mean dishonour and betraying his lifelong friend and king, Robert Baratheon. And as a result of this, young Bran and Rickon, Osha, Hodor, everyone became homeless or died, or ran for their lives. Sansa was a prisoner tortured by the Lannisters. Arya has become an unrecognizable assassin who lost her childhood innocence. The only person’s situation that didn’t change, although emotionally devastated, was Jon Snow.

        If that isn’t a family destroyed, what is?

        Liked by 1 person

    • jennnanigans says:

      Agree – the Starks are nobility, and along with their other titles, are Wardens of the North just as the Lannisters are Wardens of the West. I think the north is richer in renewable resources like timber, herds, and crops than the West, but they don’t show it off because (everybody sing along!) Winter is Coming and they have to make sure they have enough to feed themselves AND the countryside – Winterfell is as much for the people of the north to take shelter in during the winter as the Starks themselves. Or that was the impression I always got.

      I kind of agree with you on Cersei, but it’s more because of her utter, utter FAILURE to present any kind of cogent leadership once she’s in power. Nothing she does is for the betterment of the realm or the people, her ‘policies’ are entirely about justifying her use of power to act petty slights on her enemies. *Anti-Cersei high-five*

      Liked by 2 people

      • Cersei-in-charge is such a train wreck. Such a mess.

        Liked by 1 person

      • joanna says:

        Agreed and agreed. You “nutshelled” it. I would have filled in some more details about Cersei but my comment was already overlong. Her over bloated sense of self-entitlement and belief that she deserves privilege and wealth is almost obscene.

        Everyone is there to serve Cersei’s whims and desires. She is not above manipulating the people she loves; her brother and children. Although intelligent, she focuses on petty vendettas as you mentioned. Torture and cruelty are teeny tiny irritating details, as is the plight of her people. It’s almost as though she has tunnel vision.

        Liked by 2 people

  4. Perhaps the Starks could be mistaken for middle-class because they live in the North, where it’s considerably harsher than in the southern kingdoms and they look a bit less fancy than other nobles.

    Personally I think that even if the Lannisters were the main characters, they’d still come off as villain protagonists. Tywin is an effective leader but certainly ruthless; Cersei has some human qualities but is still a nasty power-hungry piece of work overall; they employ people like Ser Gregor Clegane; and we see them committing incest and trying to kill a little boy for seeing something he shouldn’t in the first episode alone. The Starks have more likeable qualities even from a neutral perspective: they generally keep justice in mind, and when they do the wrong things, it’s usually for the right reasons (e.g. Robb breaking his vow to Lord Frey because he genuinely loves someone else, and executing Lord Karstark because he won’t make an exception to the law).

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Starks definitely look less refined and less embracing the trappings of the elites (although maybe a northerner would point out how they had nicer furs and this and that…)

      I respect your term villain protagonist.

      The Lannisters did employ Gregor Clegane, and clearly Tywin gave the Mountain free rein to chevauchee throughout the Riverlands. But we can’t ignore the tavern girls in the Riverlands who were hung because they had Lain with Lions. Mind you, it was probably Boltons responsible, but it still falls under Stark purview.


  5. jennnanigans says:

    AWESOME, quality post as always! And reading all these summaries – both walking me down Memory Lane and firing me up for Season 6!

    Ned Stark’s Anti-Whorehouse Agenda – Doesn’t exist. Theon and Jon Snow lost their virginity to Roz the red-headed prostitute in Winterfell’s village (forgot what the surrounding village is called) or at least Theon did for sure. It’s mentioned in either GoT or ACOK. *pours one out for Roz*

    I agree – we identify with the Starks because we perceive them as our audience proxy to this world. I still think of Bran as The Protagonist. Can’t help it!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Haylee says:

    Being British, as you know, I’ve never had thought of the Starks as middle class, just as Northern. The north/south divide and debate is long standing over here and to me, I identify with the Starks as being a noble Yorkshire family (I guess it helps with the accents in the show too!) and the Lannisters as being Londoners. There are so many similarities I (and I’m sure others) can see between areas of the U.K. that I was convinced GRRM was British and it was based on these geographic stereotypes (the Wall is Hadrian’s Wall, ‘keeping out’ the wild, highlander Scots, obviously!)
    To me, it was more a case of the Starks being down to earth and stoic, whereas the Lannisters were a bit ‘up their own backsides’! And I’m sure to the Lannisters, the Starks were just a little rough and ready compared to more ‘civilised’ southerners, much how Londoners see the stereotypes of flat-cap wearing, whippet trainers who go down the mines to make a living!!
    Anyway, I could go on but I shan’t. Although, I don’t hate the Lannisters at all – I’m routing for Jaime and Tyrion and even felt a little sorry for Tywin at times. But I don’t think I’ll ever get behind Cersei, she’s far too manipulative for my liking.
    So from a proud Northern lass, I’m definitely #Yorkshire #TeamStark (ooh look, it works for that other Civil War, pick a team thing too 😉)

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re British??? What? (I knew 🙂 )

      As always, I enjoyed reading your comment, and I certain enjoyed your breakdown in the northern/southern divide – which first was communicated to me when watching the Fellowship of the Ring special features, and Sean Bean and Orlando Bloom ribbing each other.

      Yeah, it’s hard to get behind Cersei (except for my boss, who has decided to root for the Lannisters with full commitment because that’s hilarious.)

      #TeamStark! (Unless we’re talking Captain America Civil War – then it’s #TeamCap!)

      Liked by 1 person

  7. writingjems says:

    I see this is the post that prompted the Lannister perspective response to my Cersei post. Very nicely laid out, once more.

    I think both Houses have their strengths and their flaws. The Starks are just generally nicer people and easier to get behind. Personally, I was routing for House Tyrell all the way. They’re shown to actually love and care for each other, and are pretty affable people in general, but are also willing to use their brains and charisma to get ahead.

    Of course, all my hopes for them, and particularly Margaery, were summarily dashed by the Season 6 finale… *sigh*

    Liked by 1 person

    • This was indeed a post connected to the comment about Cersei’s perspective that I left on your blog. I’m pleased my introductory comment got you to peruse my corpus of faux-scholarly work.

      (I originally was going to provide a link to this post, but I felt that would be too shamelessly self-promoting.)

      You have my condolences on the fall of House Tyrell. Maybe Olenna will get some magic from Melisandre, and turn young. (They should get Natalie Dormer to play young Olenna.) Then she can take Gendry (when he resurfaces on the show) as a consort or something, and kickstart a new lineage.


      • writingjems says:

        I figured if you could make an insightful comment, then you must have insightful content!

        It’s funny that you mention that, because I’m working on a post about the perception of religious antagonists in fiction, using the High Sparrow as my prime example. I was planning to put a plug in for you there, for anyone looking for more GoT content.

        This is my new headcanon.

        Liked by 1 person

        • You’re the best!


        • Thanks again. The High Sparrow is an interesting character, and I’m kind of glad that the show had him present himself in just such a way. He certainly seems devout, but we are all suspicious if he’s making a power grab for himself. Or maybe he’s legitimately humble and moved by his interpretation of the holy text.

          What we take away from the High Sparrow is heavily influenced by our biases and notions. For example, when the High Sparrow was talking to Margaery about the need to produce an heir with Tommen, I know people took that as him being super-misogynist and scheming (because there’d be a child that he could brainwash, maybe.) But this was almost exactly the same thing Margaery told her husband Renly in season 2.

          Renly: This is complicated. I mean, you’re nice and all…
          Margaery: Dude. We need to get a baby in me yesterday. For the realm!

          So I’m looking forward to reading your stuff. Thumbs up!


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